Projects in the Works

 In comics

You’ve no doubt heard me talking about all of these projects I have in the works, and the big one I keep talking about is Albert the Alien webcomic series (launching later this month). However, I do have a laundry list of other projects on my plate as well:

1) Albert the Alien (webcomic): The all-ages sci-fi adventure story will be like a Saturday morning cartoon, featuring funny jokes and hilarious misadventures. I’ve been talking a lot about this project in other posts, so I won’t get into too many details here – but it’s pretty awesome and exiting news!

2) @$$hole! volume 2 (graphic novel): Still working on the subtitle for this collection while I continue to put the book together, but because of popular demand I have pushed forward the production of this graphic novel. This will collect the next several story arcs (approximately 120 total pages, including new and bonus content), including the award-nominated photo story arcs (@$$hole was the winner of best photocomic award in 2011).

3) Aw Yeah Comics: Art and Franco recently had a hugely successful kickstarter campaign raise over $47k to fund their self-published all-ages book called Aw Yeah Comics, based on original characters they created for their kid-friendly comic store in Skokie, Il. Both creators had approached me to pitch last year during conventions, and so I did. And recently I received confirmation that my story was accepted! Working with Gabriel Bautista (my Albert the Alien artist) to create a fun 5 page story to appear in their book.

4) And a few other super secret projects still in the works….

Suffice it to say, there’s plenty going on from the comic front to keep me busy. When I’m not working and, you know – planning a wedding.

Hope to see you guys at a convention soon, and hopefully will have some of these projects to share!

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