Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 22

 In web comics

Happy Guy Fawkes Day, everyone! But there’s also another thing we like to celebrate on this day every year: my birthday!

I do enjoy a good birthday celebration. Not because of the presents or cake or anything like that, but for me it’s always been a celebration of life – and being able to share it with the people who I’ve met (and who I call friends or family) is always something I look forward to every year! To me, a birthday is a celebration of life experiences. And this is always something that should be shared with the people who have been kind enough to give you those experiences (or experience them with you).

But enough about that, let’s talk about Albert the Alien.

Things appear to have been happening while Albert and friends were away saving the school mascot (what exactly has been happening, we’ll find out on Friday), but Gerty’s “danger sense” is definitely tingling. Come back on Friday and find out why!

It’s November, and the ALBERT THE ALIEN vol 1: NEW IN SCHOOL graphic novel is out! We are putting together our orders from the Kickstarter (as well as any pre-orders we received) this month. If you didn’t order a copy but want one, you can still get it! Click the link to get one today.

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