Convention Report: ACEN 2017

 In conventions

Continuing with the summary reports of the cons (as opposed to the full convention reports, because I had fallen behind on my blogging, focusing instead on making comic content these past few months). ACEN is a legacy convention for me – something that holds a special place in my heart for personal reasons, and I have a lot of fun at the con. Usually I’m a guest, but this year I traveled in every day from home with my buddy Alan Evans (Rival Angels), who was staying with me for the weekend. Because of that, the usual after-con shenanigans were a bit more subdued (and didn’t go nearly as late into the night), but part of that is also because I’m exhausted all the time. Because I have a baby.

But enough about me. Let’s talk about this con!

Alan and I headed to the con to set up our tables, which were right next to each other but on the far back wall from the entrance to artist alley. We spent the day selling our wares, talking about comics, and also meeting several of the convention guests – who popped up at the table to introduce themselves because they heard we were good guys on facebook (or were old friends, stopping by to say hi). I love connecting or reconnecting with friends. Local artists (who were not set up at the con, but were hanging out that weekend) also stopped by. I even ran into a few Channel Awesome fans who recognized me from the videos I had been in.

After the show, we headed back to my place for some dinner and hanging out.

The table is all set up and ready to sell comics to the masses!

The big day. We did our sales thing, but also some panels throughout the day. The first panel of the weekend, “How to Make Your Own Comics and Manga,” had a great crowd who was very engaged with the content. However, at one point during the panel, some guy asked if he could add a few thoughts onto one of our answers. Now, sometimes I’ll let people do this, since they may have an experience we can comment on or that helps enrich the panel discussion, but this time I was mistaken. We had a guy try to Bogart (eg: steal) our panel. He walked right up to the front of the panel and started introducing himself as some video game maker, then turned to ask if he should have a microphone. “That depends on how long you think you’re going to be talking,” I replied, which was my polite way of saying, “No, and you should go sit down now.” He gave a short speech that contradicted the entire point of the panel, to which Alan and I had to quickly recover and then move on to the next question.

What surprised me was that he tried to do this again at the end of the panel, but I shut him down. After the panel ended, he came up during our signing and wanted to know if it was okay that he had “participated” like that. “A lot of people like it when I join in their panels,” he said. I told him it was not cool, that it was not his panel (if it was, he would be listed on the panel schedule), and that I was a professional – not a fan, not an attendee, but a professional in this topic – and ACEN wants me giving this panel, and you’re not on it. He didn’t show up to the announced 6pm panel, thankfully.

We did more selling, then came back to the same room for a “Making Webcomics” panel, which was tons of fun.

After the show, Alan and I grabbed some dinner and headed home to watch crappy horror movies (a convention tradition of ours).

Alan Evans (Rival Angels) and myself, hanging out at the table

Some guy tried to Bogart one of my panels….not cool, dude

The final day of the show is always exhausting (mostly because 2+ days of selling all day is a lot of work, but also because late nights + early mornings = tired Trevor). Alan and I did our thing, but packed up a bit early to try to beat the traffic on our way out. We did get in a few goodbyes for friends at the show, but had to be quick about it. All in all, it was another good time, and another successful weekend!

Goofing around on the final day before selling the rest of the books I brought

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