Albert the Alien – Kickstarter Thank You Page

As you know, the Albert the Alien volume 1: New in School book was a labor of love from both myself and artist Gabo. But we couldn’t have done it without the support of our very awesome [...]


Albert the Alien Chapter 3 Page 6

Happy (almost) Halloween! When writing this story, this page was one of my favorites. Further showing the bumbling (yet cocky / confident) Col Ty Fighter. The dude radiates confidence, but [...]


Albert the Alien launches today!

Welcome to the First page for Albert the Alien! An all-ages sci-fi / comedy / adventure story from the minds of Trevor Mueller (that’s me) and artist Gabriel Bautista. Albert is just a [...]


Projects in the Works

You’ve no doubt heard me talking about all of these projects I have in the works, and the big one I keep talking about is Albert the Alien webcomic series (launching later this month). [...]


Albert the Alien – progress update

Progress is being made on the Albert the Alien webcomic front, still pacing to launch late this month. The scripts for the first three issues is done, and I’m still plugging away on issue 4 [...]


Albert the Alien – Updates

I’m attending Anime Milwaukee this weekend as a guest of honor. However, that doesn’t mean that “THE WORK” stops just because I’m at a convention. I wanted to share [...]


Happy New Year!

2012 has come and gone. I had a lot of comic work come out in 2012: @$$hole! vol 1 (graphic novel) Albert the Alien – Hall Monitor (floppy) Albert the Alien – Movies (floppy) Updated [...]


Albert the Alien – Going to the Movies

After producing Albert the Alien is Using the Hall Pass, and premiering it at C2E2 in April of 2012, I got a flavor for even more Albert. I had written several short stories for Gabe to [...]


Albert the Alien – Using the Hall Pass

In 2012, Gabe and I wanted to tell more Albert the Alien stories. I had accumulated an amount of funds over the years from my sales at conventions, and could finance the production of a floppy [...]


Albert the Alien – Origins and Timetravel Adventures

In 2009, Josh Elder approached me to be a part of something big. Something HUGE. Something that would change my life forever. Reading with Pictures, his non-profit organization that was using [...]