@$$hole!: Haunted Cabin 13

 In web comics

First off, I’m loving how these pages are coming out. Seriously, I think the color, composition, the pacing…all of it is coming out amazing well.

Now, enough patting myself on the back. Let’s talk shop.

The choice to represent the angel and devil from a distance as glowing orbs was really one of time. Because I’m doing more manipulation than normal to these pages, they’re taking a lot more time to produce. With the added pressure of trying to get the book off to the printer, plus coordinating two other big projects (which will get announced soon), I needed a quick way to get them into shots that were further away. I think it turned out great, but let me know your thoughts.

Speaking of the book, it’s proofed and off to the printer! In theory, I should have this in time for my first show of the year: Anime Milwaukee!

I started 2011 being a guest at this show, and it was a great way to start what would be an amazing convention season. It’s a fun show that’s grown by leaps and bounds since I started attending it. I highly recommend going, and I hope to see you there.

So now 2012 is in full swing and the book is off to the printer, I can start focusing on my other two projects…and starting to promote them. I’m told from an artist I’ll have some pages next week, so I’m hoping to get some sketches and stuff up to tell you about it soon. Patience, my friends.

…alright, I’ll give you a little hint. It’s a character I’ve written before, and he’s getting another short adventure. Any guesses?

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