@$$hole!: Haunted Cabin 27

 In web comics

Oh snap, we’ve seen those before. Several times, in fact. Charlie, the poltergeist of the illustrated version of our protagonist, created it after The Prisoner story arc by using enough power to bring Trevor back from the dead. Also, in the new @$$hole!: Volume 1 book, they appear a few times.

They even appeared when Trevor was wondering around the photo world, and he was going to walk through (in the Photo Fight story arc that didn’t happen online, but it will appear in a volume of the printed book. I wrote the thing, and illustrated the pages, damn it! Just never had the time to put them together with the photos).

Clearly I was building to something when I did all of these things. And this was a big part of it.

Only three pages left to go. How will this end? Will our hero save the day, or be defeated by the evil Gnome King? Be sure to stay tuned every Wednesday and Friday as the final pages start to come out!


I have a few convention appearances in April:

C2E2 (Chicago, IL – April 13-15)
Chicago’s own C2E2, complete with publishers and celebrity comic creators. And celebrities. And if you want to see a certain bald comic creator who isn’t named Grant or Brian, be sure to stop by the Reading with Pictures booth to check out the work and buy a book or two. I’ll also be doing some children’s programming, and premiering the new book: Albert the Alien!

ACEN (Rosemont, IL – April 27-29)
My favorite show of the year, and some of the most fun you’ll have all year. I’ll be a guest of honor at the show, doing panels throughout the weekend and hanging out at my table by artist alley when not there. There are tons of awesome guests at this show, and the events are non-stop. Seriously 24 hours of awesome. If you like anime, comics, or just having a fun time, you need to be at this show!

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