July Convention Appearances

 In conventions

July is the heart of convention season, and I have some appearances coming up for shows that you will not want to miss! I will be returning as a guest of honor to these amazing shows. We will be doing some panels, filled with my signature brand of education and entertainment. I hope to see you there!

Anime Mid-West
Rosemont, IL
July 8-10

— Panel Room 4: Kickstarter for Beginners (9:30pm to 10:20pm)
— Panel Room 1: Self Publishing 101 (3:00pm to 4:20pm)
— Panel Room 5: Making Webcomics (6:00pm to 6:50pm)

Anime Iowa
Coralville, IA
July 29-31

— Panel Room 2: Starting Your Own Webcomic (9:00am-10:00am)
— Panel Room 2: Tabling At Conventions (9:30am-10:30am)

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