Convention Report: C2E2 2021

Back at home for my final convention of the year!
C2E2 is a fantastic show, and a great way to end my convention season – since it’s both a home show, had a great turnout and strong sales, and was a chance to reconnect with a lot of local faces I don’t get to see very often.
It felt good to be back. And it was good. And I want to thank everyone who stopped by and said hi (and especially those who bought something), because it made the end of my year that much better!
Setup was smooth, since the floor was in the familiar part of McCormick. I took Thursday off from work so I could relax and move in at my own pace. I had some awesome table neighbors, and was in a fantastic row of local creators and talent. Right across from David Mack, in fact – oh man, I missed that guy!

No panels, no after parties, no events…just sales.
I didn’t have any panels or events to do at this show, which was intentional – since it was only a week after ECCC, I knew I would be exhausted – and also, I often lose my voice at cons, and wasn’t sure what the state of my voice would be by C2E2. Thankfully, I was a little raspy but still able to speak. Which was good, because Jason Narvy (Power Rangers) popped by to say hello a few times, and I would have hated for his first impression of me to be like, “Bald dude can’t talk.”
So C2E2 was pretty low key this year. Lots of friends stopping by, a few commissions, and just manning the table and selling the books. My top mover was the last of the Limited Edition Preview Packs (which previews 6 of the 8 new projects I have coming out next year). I may do something similar to this for next year, so I have something new on my table for the early cons.

I’m exhausted…in all the right ways.
It was a power year in conventions, even though I only did four of them in person. But man, they take a lot out of you – requiring and lot of prep, energy, and endurance that had kind of left me during the pandemic. When all you do is sit and write (or take meetings) all days, you don’t realize what kind of toll being on your feet all day takes. The constant go-go-go of cons is something that I enjoy, but it can also get you tired when you’re not used to it. And a year plus in lockdown has certainly made me aware that…I need to get back to the gym. 😛
I want to thank you all for reading my blog, supporting me in comics, and coming out to the shows to say hi. It means the world to me. You’re awesome, and I wish you a very happy new year!