C2E2 2023


C2E2 2022

Convention Report: C2E2 2021

Back at home for my final convention of the year! C2E2 is a fantastic show, and a great way to end my convention season - since it's both a home show, had a great turnout and strong sales, and [...]


C2E2 2021

In-Person Appearances for 2021

Many conventions are pushing towards the end of the year for in-person events, but honestly it'll be dependent on the state of the world and how responsible people are between now and then as to [...]

Convention Report: C2E2 2020

My first convention appearance where I didn't have a table in ages - but still, lots of fun times were hand.


C2E2 2020

I will be signing copies of the Hero Initiative charity book on Feb 28 at C2E2; times TBD

Convention Report: C2E2 2019

Chicago's own C2E2 continues to be awesome. My hometown comic convention, C2E2, has always been a favorite of mine and this year was no exception. Running the Reading with Pictures booth, I [...]


Convention Report: C2E2 2018

C2E2 continues to be a premiere Chicago comic convention, and 2018 was no different – in fact, it excelled in that area, bringing in some of the top creators in the industry, including the [...]


C2E2 2017 – Convention Summary

Playing a bit of catch up on my blogging, but wanted to at least post some notes and comments from C2E2 earlier this year. I know I usually do a full convention report, but I’m hoping this [...]

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