C2E2 2017 – Convention Summary

 In conventions

Playing a bit of catch up on my blogging, but wanted to at least post some notes and comments from C2E2 earlier this year. I know I usually do a full convention report, but I’m hoping this summary will be just as fun.

Not an official con day, but because I got set up and was hanging out with people from the con, I include it. I hung out with my good friends John Bivens and his wife, Mallory, and we had some delicious sushi together. We also checked into our airbnb place, which was a nice lofty space within walking distance from the convention center.

Delicious sushi from Union

John and Mallory, mid bite. They didn’t want to slow down to pose for a photo – the food was too good!

The first day of the con, sales were good and strong. We had some great traffic to the table, another fantastic position (and very kind table neighbors), and some great volunteers and helpers at the table. After the con ended, it was time for our traditional trip to Niu – my favorite sushi place in the city. After dinner, I went to hang out at the hotel bar for a bit and ran into some good friends from the con circuit, but since the hotel was under construction the bar scene was a bit dead. Didn’t stay too long or too late. Plus, I’m tired all the time now because of the baby. 😛

Hanging out with my man, Eric Palicki, at NIU for yet another delicious sushi night

The whole crew at dinner

Ordered the Sexy Mexican (my favorite roll), as well as a new seasonal roll that was ON FIRE!

Hanging out with Analise at the hotel bar

An early morning, another great day of sales (and a hard day of sales…the isles felt very far apart, so we were really working for those pitches), and more seeing some fantastic people. I was visited several times by my good friends over at Channel Awesome, and we made some dinner plans for later that night. Brad Jones had debuted his new movie, “Jesus Bro!,” which sold out in an hour or so. He was ecstatic – and rightly so! After the con ended, we hiked over to China Town and grabbed some delicious food at a popular place (seriously, we had to wait like 45 minutes to get seated, and we didn’t go during prime dinner hours – but the food was good, so all was forgiven).

I love hanging out with this group, because they are so friendly, conversational, and super nerdy – like me! 😛

Hanging out with the Channel Awesome crew at dinner. From left to right: Rob Walker, Erin Walker, Doug Walker, Fard Muhammad, Brad Jones, Laura JaneLuke

The final day of the con involved moving out of the airbnb, grabbing a delicious breakfast sandwich on the walk to the con, and selling more comics. More of the Channel Awesome crew stopped by, including my friend Aiyanna from Awesome Comics. She enjoys cosplaying, and was appropriately dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast (since the new live action movie was coming out). Her idea was to take a photo with me reading her book, and her reading the book I made (Albert the Alien). She’s so much fun.

I also did a couple of sketch card commissions, and sold the crap out of the books we brought. At the end, I packed up my stuff and helped some buddies do the same, and then headed for the long drive back home. All in all, another fantastic show and one I look forward to returning to soon!

Enjoying (perhaps too much?) a delicious breakfast sandwich before the show

Aiyanna Wade (Awesome Comics) is Belle, enjoying reading Albert the Alien while I read her Romeo and Juliet book. Perhaps we both want more than this provincial life

Aquaman sketch card commission

Myself and Josh Elder are ready to sell comics on the final day of the show!

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